Radiative Transfer Theory
For number of years, various approaches have been attempted to generalize the SEA beyond its limits of application and to predict the repartition of vibrational levels inside subsystems.
Among them is an analogy with thermal conduction called Energy Finite Element Method or vibrational conductivity approach developped by [???] [FOR WHAT ?] . However, this approach is subject to liimitations when it comes to predicting the direct field for bi-dimensional subsystems like plates [Source].
In order to avoid this limitation, the radiative transfer method called RADIOSITY was developped by Le Bot (A vibroacoustic model for high frequency analysis, 1998) and significantly differs from the thermal conduction analogy.
Unlike SEA which involves global variables, this method considers local variables. The description is more precise and, in particular, the repartition of energy density inside each sub-system is predicted.

Ray path in subsystems in radiative transfer method